Monday, 11 January 2010

The Amazingly wonderful invention...bath

It's not that the bath is such a fantastic invention, although I'm not sure i want to bare all in a zinc tub in front of the fire. yes it holds a glorious amount of water and if properly plumbed in can be filled by hot and cold water as well as being able to be drained.
It's the fact that when you are cold to the core, a soak in a hot bath can be heavenly.
Now at the moment i can live without the candles, a good book and a or two of wine, you can even keep the pate and brie on cream crackers.
OK I'm a pretentious oik, listen, brie and pate are for posh people and the crackers tell you I'm from the working class and possibly crackers myself but we have been without water for 10 days now, except for 6 glorious hours!
Today we have water, mostly thanks to Mr H and the nice man from Grahams,who actually had something we desperately needed in stock, for a change.
Not only do we have water, which runs from the tap and not from a water jack, but the boiler took pity on us, probably couldn't stand the smell, and worked, giving us HOT water.
I submerged my body in a lather of hot frothy water......control yourself Mr H and declared i might have to stay there all night, believe me i would have but i ran out of chateau Mauriac and the girls hammering relentlessly on the bathroom door began to spoil my revelry.
We have heard a lot about resources recently and anyone working in the human resource industry of social care is fully aware of scarcity.
When something is scarce it is amazing how popular it can suddenly become.
In the cold spell supermarket shelves have emptied, and fresh local vegetables, cold in their earth beds have become expensive luxuries.
I sympathize, next doors sheep have eaten my Brussels sprouts.....desperate times indeed, even for sheep.
We have had water at the well, so to speak, but lugging water halfway across the field and into the house, not to mention standing in the freezing cold filling the water jacks, has been a time consuming necessity.
I'm not a young romantic maid but a shivering old hag and pretending anything else is fruitless.
By the way a water jack weighs 30 kg and can contain 30 litres of water.
One water jack flushes 4 giant dumps.
There are eight of us the math for 10 days. Thank goodness no one has a coeliac someone does!
My arms and shoulders hurt says the Zills!
For all of you who turn the tap and have water's not magic you know.